Tonya’s Blog

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    7 POWERS TO WIN   I’m active, I’m attractive, I’m in demand I’m a Mover and Shaker and I work my plan I love to speak and I have a dream; To inspire and empower all to be the best That GOD created them to be; I’m a woman on
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    Power Words, Power Phrases And How To Use Them What does the term power word or power phrase mean to you? Is it just a fancy word used by recruiters to try and sound knowledgeable or does it really have a use? Read on-In all my years of selling and
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    LOVE   I am loved and loving I am surrounded by love I easily attract loving people and experiences into my life I embrace and claim a life filled and overflowing with love I am grateful for the love that surrounds me My circle of loving friends continues to expand
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    COURAGE   I am courageous I will not give up Step by step my courage grows deeper and stronger I embrace the new and unknown My courage makes me brave I explore what is possible without hesitation The wisdom of others inspires me daily I have the courage to let